You are here: Contacts > Manage and create prospects > Save listings for a prospect

Save listings for a prospect

You can save and manage listings for prospect in their Prospect Cart. The Prospect Cart has four tabs to help manage listings.

To add listings to a Prospect Cart manually

  1. In any search results page, select the listings you want to add to the cart using the appropriate check boxes.
  2. From the Options pane locate the Save Options box.
  3. Select the desired prospect and click Save. Saving the listing using this method will place it in the Agent Recommended tab in the Prospect Cart.

See the instructions for set up auto-prospecting if you would like to add listings to a Prospect Cart automatically once you've created a prospect.

NOTE: There is a limit of 1,000 to the number of listings you can store in a Prospect Cart. If you exceed the limit, Auto-Prospecting will be automatically turned off for the prospect.

TIP: View the video tutorials under the "Contacts & Prospects" section on the Learning Center for a quick overview of this feature. The Learning Center can also be accessed directly from the Help menu.

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